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Sunday 3rd August 2014


Today we shot a short film entitled "The Letter" You'll be surprised to learn it isn't a comedy.















Friday 18th July 2014


About to write the 2nd episode of our web series "JuXta". We are going to shoot three episodes before we premier.


Monday 14th July 2014


We are developing a web series called "JuXta". A mystery, nutty series starring lots of wonderful people.


Saturday 5th July 2014


Editing on Mani-Two completed.


Friday 4th July 2014


Just finishing up on the edit for a film called Mani-Two. It's directed by good Shivilenco friend Merv Jones and produced by Carl Le Monde. Shivilenco team member Alex McGrath stars. 


Wednesday 2nd July 2014


Just about to start work on another 6 episodes of Tangled Tales. Been over a year since the last episode.


Tuesday 1st July 2014


Welcome one and all to the world of Shivilenco Media. It's not the first time we've had a website but isn't this nice and fresh? The Shivilenco Pictures site is still up and running until next year but it was so God damn hard to keep up to date (Not great on HTML and Internet Explorer).


SO!!!!!! What are we up to?


Well until the World Cup ends BUGGER ALL!


But things are in the works as usual. We are not a company to slack off in any way. We've produced SIX projects already this year. WOW I hear you cry...... SIX?


Our next two shorts will go into production at the end of the month.


WTF? Will star Paul Taylor, Carl Roberts, Merv Jones & Carl Wharton. It's a lovely tale of a gangs plans to rob a bank. But, if you know our work you will realise that's not the full story.


THE REACTION stars Pamela Ashton, Carl Roberts & Emma Hind. It's the story of a couple of actors who have some really bad luck.


Right, hopefully we can keep you all up to date a little bit more.






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